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Born out of one of the founder’s lived experience of homelessness and crisis, Billy The Bus Shelters Idea was Founded in 2019 and is a concept that offers out-of-hours assistance to people in need through a highly personalised, engaging and non-judgemental approach. As everyone needs help sometimes, we believe strongly in no priority, no criteria.


As part of our service, we help people to identify negative thoughts that can trap them in a cycle of poverty and homelessness and help to retrain people by encouraging structure and routine with an element of 1-2-1 peer mentoring and guidance. No matter the situation – from family breakdowns or homelessness to lack of money or support, we aim to help people according to their individual needs, rather than expect people to fit into a one-size-fits-all service.


Our approach


We follow a key-working structure designed around Sussex Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Program displayed by Probation. The key-working packs enable us to record an individual's personal achievements and development as they work with us. We also support many people through advice and with the basic needs of day-to-day living, working with other agencies where we can to help people kick habits and get back on their feet.


Our bus


We have plans to convert our big, yellow Double Decker bus into a night shelter with a kitchen area, wash area, lounge and consultation room. Planned to be available 365 days per year, we hope to be the first out-of-hours unit available to people in crisis.


Each available bed on the bus will provide emergency accommodation space for people in need for 28 days at a time. Every individual who has a bed will be expected to complete registration and a triage assessment and will be confined to rules around the running of the shelter. All policies and a license agreement will be signed for upon a bed being vacant for an individual. Every individual will be expected to assist with the chores of the night shelter (e.g. washing up, cleaning, etc.) and will also be expected to engage with a keyworker who will assist them with their own personal situation in the hope of transitioning to a more positive future.


The kitchen area and living area, including a toilet and shower, will be accessible 24/7 for people not otherwise in housing. Two staff members will be available to assist people 24/7 – one as a designated sleeper and the other as an on-site key-worker. 


Clients will also receive assistance with clothes, toiletries, benefit claims and housing options and can be referred to a hostel program for their short-term accommodation needs. Clients will have access to substance misuse workers, as well as mental health support and signposting. We plan to also have an on-site a needle exchange service for those who need this.

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